The Word of God: The power to change

Once received into the heart, the Word of God immediately begins working to renovate those areas of your mind, will, and emotions that are off base and wrong. The bottom line is the Word of God exposes our true condition. Sometimes—or should I say?—all the time, God wants us to examine our own life.To take a look at what’s going on in our heart.
Sometimes we look at other people; and see what they’re going through or doing; we think it makes us look good. But the fact of the matter is we all have hurts,hang-ups, and habits that need to change…

If you do not seek to renew your mind, your will, and your emotions to the truth of God’s Word, the illusion of bondage will continue to dominate your life. The consistent renewal of our minds with the Word will eradicate wrong thinking, wrong believing, scars from the past, and hurtful, emotional memories that would exert their influence on our new life in Christ!!