How to Manage Unstable Emotions

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.— Colossians 3:2

If we want to improve in this area, we have to let God show us some truth about ourselves. We need Him to reveal the root of our problem because if we see it, we can deal with it, and then we can avoid the feelings that come from it. So we can pray for God to reveal those things to us. But feelings are unpredictable by nature, so we also need to learn how to manage them when they change unexpectedly.

It’s amazing how you can straighten up your attitude just by having a little chat with yourself. Your family may not be everything you’d like them to be, but you have a family. Your house might not be everything you’d like it to be, but you’re not on the street. You may not like your job, but somebody out there wants it. You may not even like your spouse, but I guarantee you there’s someone out there who would be happy to take them off your hands.

Victory is pretty much impossible until we learn how to live beyond our feelings.

They can change so quickly! Feelings make us cry one hour and laugh the next. They behave better when circumstances are good, and they act up during periods of waiting and change. I want you to master your feelings. I want you to own your emotions, not let them own you.

Colossians 3:2 says we should set our mind and keep it set on things above. If you will make a decision today to live by the Word instead of how you feel, I guarantee that a year from now you will be a different person—and I hope, very pleased with your progress.

Taking Control of Your Attitude

In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. —John 16:33, NKJV

I’m sure you’ve noticed that the world is not perfect. You don’t have to live long to figure that out, but something within us as human beings still seems to want to experience perfection in our lives. We want the perfect family celebration, the perfect marriage, the perfect friends, the perfect job, the perfect neighborhood, the perfect salary, the perfect vacation and the perfect church. Or at least we want what we think would be perfect. But the truth is: perfection is a completely unrealistic expectation. It simply doesn’t exist on earth. As long as we live, we will deal with imperfection. We can be miserable about that, or we can be gracious toward ourselves, others, and our circumstances and respond with faith and flexibility.

Most of us like to think about how we want our lives to unfold and then have them go exactly according to our plans, but that rarely happens. This is not a negative statement; it’s simply a reality of life on earth. Jesus promises us in today’s verse that He has overcome everything in the world, and, through the Holy Spirit, He gives us the power to overcome too.

The enemy often uses unrealistic expectations concerning our circumstances as a tool to bring discouragement and despair into our lives. For example, he knows that if he can get us to focus on the imperfections in our spouse, our marriage will be filled with frustration and disappointment instead of peace and joy.

I urge you to expect good things to happen in your life. I certainly would not tell you to expect bad things. But I also urge you to be realistic and realize that we all have to deal with things that are unpleasant and with circumstances that are less than desirable. Our attitudes about these kinds of situations make the difference between whether we live with continual frustration and disappointment over things that aren’t perfect or whether we can accept imperfections and enjoy life in spite of them.


What Are You Meditating On?

Part of studying is meditating—rolling something over and over in your mind or pondering it. If you know how to worry, you know how to meditate on aproblem all day long, if you let yourself. I call this “stinkin’ thinkin'”.

We don’t really know how messed up our thinking is until we study God’s Word and realize what we should be thinking. The Word is like a mirror. It shows us the way we should be and the way we are. Until I looked in the Word, I thought everybody else was the problem, not me.

Continue reading “What Are You Meditating On?”

Confessions for a Healthy Self-image

Today I want to share with you some powerful truths that are based in God’s word. I encourage you to confess these words over and over, so they will change your thinking and become part of your belief system about yourself. As you confess them with a heart full of faith, doing your best to believe them and act on them, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy self-image. Continue reading “Confessions for a Healthy Self-image”

The Word of God: The power to change

Once received into the heart, the Word of God immediately begins working to renovate those areas of your mind, will, and emotions that are off base and wrong. The bottom line is the Word of God exposes our true condition. Sometimes—or should I say?—all the time, God wants us to examine our own life.To take a look at what’s going on in our heart.
Sometimes we look at other people; and see what they’re going through or doing; we think it makes us look good. But the fact of the matter is we all have hurts,hang-ups, and habits that need to change…

If you do not seek to renew your mind, your will, and your emotions to the truth of God’s Word, the illusion of bondage will continue to dominate your life. The consistent renewal of our minds with the Word will eradicate wrong thinking, wrong believing, scars from the past, and hurtful, emotional memories that would exert their influence on our new life in Christ!!