God’s Perfect Timing

But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing. —James 1:4

“Due season” is God’s season, not ours. We are in a hurry. God isn’t. He takes time to do things right. He lays a solid foundation before He attempts to build a building. We are God’s building under construction. He is the Master Builder, and He knows what He is doing. We may not know what He is doing, but He does and that will have to be good enough. We may not always know, but we can be satisfied to know the One Who knows.

Continue reading “God’s Perfect Timing”

The Power of a Committed Life

Does God want people to be rich? I can’t simply say yes or no, so let me explain it like this: God wants His people to have everything they can handle and keep Him first in their lives, be a blessing to other people and keep a good attitude.

So do I believe God wants people to have possessions and material wealth? Yes, if they can handle it. So you can challenge me and ask: “What do you tell the housewife whose husband has left her with three kids, a broken refrigerator, busted car and she doesn’t have my life? What do I tell her?”

Continue reading “The Power of a Committed Life”

Confessions for a Healthy Self-image

Today I want to share with you some powerful truths that are based in God’s word. I encourage you to confess these words over and over, so they will change your thinking and become part of your belief system about yourself. As you confess them with a heart full of faith, doing your best to believe them and act on them, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy self-image. Continue reading “Confessions for a Healthy Self-image”

A newer and higher way of living

Lord, I thank You for saving me by the power of God. Help me put aside the works of the flesh. Please teach me to walk in the Spirit. I know that You have designed a powerful life for me, and I want to enter into that life in all it’s fullness. My heart’s desire is to know You better and walk with You, so today I am asking that Your Spirit propel me forward into this newer and higher way of living! I pray this in Jesus’ name!

Have mercy!

My Prayer this morning: Lord, please forgive me for being so harsh and judgmental of other people when they make mistakes or behave in ways that shock me. I know I become judgemental when I forget the grace that has been extended to me through the years of my trials and errors. Therefore, I ask You to help me walk in a constant awareness of all the times I’ve been loved, forgiven, and accepted in spite of my behavior and flaws and shortcomings. Holy Spirit, help me now to be an extension of this same mercy and grace to others who need it from me.
I pray this in Jesus’ name!!

The Word of God: The power to change

Once received into the heart, the Word of God immediately begins working to renovate those areas of your mind, will, and emotions that are off base and wrong. The bottom line is the Word of God exposes our true condition. Sometimes—or should I say?—all the time, God wants us to examine our own life.To take a look at what’s going on in our heart.
Sometimes we look at other people; and see what they’re going through or doing; we think it makes us look good. But the fact of the matter is we all have hurts,hang-ups, and habits that need to change…

If you do not seek to renew your mind, your will, and your emotions to the truth of God’s Word, the illusion of bondage will continue to dominate your life. The consistent renewal of our minds with the Word will eradicate wrong thinking, wrong believing, scars from the past, and hurtful, emotional memories that would exert their influence on our new life in Christ!!

Don’t rush to judgment.

I confess that I walk in mercy and grace! I don’t rush to judgment when others do things that are less than what I expected of them. I realize that everyone makes mistakes and that no one who truly loves Jesus would intentionally do the offensive and hurtful things I’ve seen some people do. These people don’t realize how they are being perceived. I know they’re making these mistakes because they need to grow and mature. So rather than judge others for what they have said, done, or failed to do, I will walk in mercy, grace, forgiveness towards them just as I would want others to do for me!
I declare this in Jesus’ name!

We win!

My prayer for today!
Lord, I thank You that darkness doesn’t have the power to overcome me! It may try, but Your Word guarantees that darkness doesn’t have the ability to overcome the light! I am so thankful that I am Your child, that I live on the winning side! When the devil tries to discourage me, from the cares of this life, help me remember that in the end we win!

Stay at your Post

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. —2 Timothy 4:2!

Take a firm stand and resolve to stay at your post! Regardless of whether times are good or bad, that is your post —your place of responsibility!

Lord, I receive this word today as strength for my life. You have called me to do something great for You, and I’m not going to let the devil or my circumstances chase me away from where I know I need to be. It’s been very difficult, but this season will pass; and when it does, I’ll be stronger, wiser, and more equipped for the future. I thank You for helping me to dig in,take a firm stand, and maintain the post You have assigned to me!
I pray this in Jesus’ name!

Lord, we need You. Give us strength.

Dear God I believe with all my heart you have a plan and purpose behind everything under the sun. Even when we don’t understand we must keep
our hearts right with You. I want to live in accordance to Your will, so I can experience Your power to overcome life’s obstacles and experience Your
peace even in the middle of tough circumstances like now.
We ask You to work on our hearts and do for me and my friends and family what we cannot do for ourselves in Jesus name I pray!