Boldness in Christ

“But as for you, the anointing (the sacred appointment, the unction) which you received from Him abides [permanently] in you….” — I John 2:27

God has great plans for our lives. It’s exciting when He puts dreams and desires in our hearts, but it can also be challenging. Because fear always comes against us when we try new things. That’s how the enemy tries to keep us from moving forward—through fear. But instead of giving in to our fears, we can choose to be bold, confident and courageous through Christ.

It’s important to understand that courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s moving forward when you feel afraid. And if we will do that, God will lead us straight through our fears into His perfect will for our lives.

God doesn’t want us to live timid, shy, weak, wimpy, fearful, boring lives. He wants us to be bold, confident and courageous, unafraid to try new things. And it never ceases to amaze me what God will do through a person who simply steps out in faith.

In the Bible, Joshua is a great example of someone who took a step of faith in the face of fear. You see, when Moses died, God charged Joshua with the huge task of leading the people of Israel into the Promised Land. Fear must have come against him at every turn. But Joshua pressed past his fears so he could embrace his God-given destiny.

When God asks you to leave the familiar behind, let His Word encourage you to keep moving forward. Because when you step into what God has for you, His anointing makes the impossible possible.

First John 2:27 says, “But as for you, the anointing (the sacred appointment, the unction) which you received from Him abides [permanently] in you….”

I want you to let that sink in: God’s anointing abides permanently in you. So why should you live a boring life when there’s a great life available to you?

I encourage you to trust that what you feel down deep in your heart really is God.

You may not get a lot of encouragement from your family and friends, especially in the beginning. But if you’ll be bold enough to follow God instead of your fears, He will prove Himself to you.

Having a Relationship with God

When you think of religion, what comes to your mind—a set of rules, regulations and obligations or a deep, intimate relationship with God?

I like to consider myself someone who has a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I believe He died so we could have a living, vital relationship with God, not just a bunch of rules and regulations we’re forced to follow.

Yes, there are certain guidelines God wants us to follow, but His purpose in giving them is to protect us from the consequences of sin.

When we have a real relationship with God through Christ, life gets exciting because He stirs up a passion inside us to love people—and we don’t have to struggle to do the things He calls us to do. It just happens naturally.

God’s Power to Acheive

We have been saved by grace…through faith. What a wonderful gift! Sadly though, too many Christians live the way it’s described in Galatians 3:3: …Having begun [your new life spiritually] with the [Holy] Spirit, are you now reaching perfection [by dependence] on the flesh?

That’s a really good question to ponder. How do we get ourselves into that place? I think whether we realize it or not, many of us enter into a relationship with God by faith, but then try to maintain that relationship by our own methods. We believed Him for our salvation, but try to make that salvation work on our own.

It’s so sad too, because all this effort is fruitless. We work and work to change ourselves only to end up frustrated time and time again. Sure, maybe we see some small changes here and there, but only when we ask God for His help and depend on His Spirit to lead us, will we begin to see real, lasting changes in our lives.

There’s a beautiful illustration in the book of Zechariah of the way things should be with us. It describes a golden lampstand with a bowl on top that is being continuously supplied with oil from two olive trees on either side of it.

Now, that oil represents God’s Holy Spirit. And this lamp is being continuously supplied with oil through that bowl. That’s what we need…a continuous supply of God’s power. You see, we cannot fix ourselves; it just won’t happen by our strength or power, or our own effort, but only …by My Spirit [of Whom the oil is a symbol], says the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6 AMP).

That’s the power of grace. And we certainly need this kind of power to meet all our issues and obstacles in life.




Stay at your Post

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. —2 Timothy 4:2!

Take a firm stand and resolve to stay at your post! Regardless of whether times are good or bad, that is your post —your place of responsibility!

Lord, I receive this word today as strength for my life. You have called me to do something great for You, and I’m not going to let the devil or my circumstances chase me away from where I know I need to be. It’s been very difficult, but this season will pass; and when it does, I’ll be stronger, wiser, and more equipped for the future. I thank You for helping me to dig in,take a firm stand, and maintain the post You have assigned to me!
I pray this in Jesus’ name!